The last roda of the year & Christmas celebration, December 2019 at Hausmania
Renovating our training space at Hausmania, November/December 2019
Visiting friends in Dendê de Maré Barcelona and Mestre Pezão, November 2019
XII Encontro Internacional GCALV, Madrid, October 2019 (Photo: GCALV Madrid)
Summer Roda 2019
GCALV Oslo held open roda at Khartoum Contemporary Art Center, May 2019.
GCALV Oslo at community festival Løkkadagene in May 2019 in Oslo.
Workshop with GCALV Madrid, our Sigurd became Treinel, March 2019
Workshop for GCALV family and friends in Paris in January 2019 organized by Contramestre Pablo. Great weekend full of trainings, rodas and samba.
GCALV joined an event organized in December 2018 by Grupo de Capoeira Angola Dendê de Maré Barcelona and Mestre Pezão.
Mestre Roberval (GCAMQFSM) and Mestre Dirceu (GCALV) also took part as well as CM Pablo (GCALV), CM Laia (GCADDM), CM Perninha (GCAMQFSM), CM Omar (GCADDM), CM Sam (GCFDA) and many others. Thank you for the great weekend!
Workshop with Mestre Celio Gomez in Oslo, October 2018.
GCALV family and friends at Encontro de Capoeira Angola in Sevilla, October 2018. We trained with Mestre Dirceu de Angola, Mestre Celio, Mestre Pedrinho and Mestre Pezão.